Designing a modular system to democratize technology and innovation.

Xprize is a non-profit that partners with companies, such as Google, to design and implement million dollar prize competitions, crowdsourcing the solution to some of the world’s most pressing problems.

Experience Designer – Xprize, 2017


What we did

We created a modular design system and illustrated the product lifecycle – how the website could change throughout the phases of a Prize Competition. We researched frameworks that overlap with XPrize’s business to define a strategic product vision. In the end, the product functions as a participatory site that invites people to take action and join in whatever way they can, including joining a research team or giving in kind (e.g. donating parts).


The problem

There were low visitor rates on the current site with a lack of return visitations. The site content was not engaging the visitor to explore XPrize beyond landing. The focus on technology – and not the people behind it – made the site’s content feel cold. Technological, corporate jargon alienated casual fans. Even though XPrize and competing teams produce timely content, much of their site was evergreen.

Casual fan persona

Casual fan persona


Design imperatives for the website redesign

Create an accessible experience

Design for the larger crowd and look for ways to minimize academic privilege to allow more people to shape the future of technology. Get people interested by telling the stories behind team innovation and impact.

Show people the impact of Xprize rather than telling them

Be relevant and show legitimacy through the success and scale of impact. Make it something people want to connect with through human stories. Highlight the teams and their process behind the scenes.

Form a personal connection and find ways to strengthen in person experiences

Involve people and get them excited to participate. Develop a long term relationship that extends to in-person interactions.




Restructuring the company around causes that align with people’s interests

One of my larger UX contributions was suggesting to group competitions and information by interests like Space or the Ocean. Originally there was no real hierarchy, and no easy way for users to scan and find projects interesting to them.

We changed the taxonomy and navigation to be centered around 'Causes,' grouping the competitions into topics, which allowed people to explicitly customize the experience by following categories but also helped people contextualize competitions into larger scale objectives.

Navigation - recategorizing competitions into interests

Navigation - recategorizing competitions into interests

Competition Detail Page

Competition Detail Page

Take Action Drawer - Consistent button inviting people to participate in whatever way they can.

Take Action Drawer - Consistent button inviting people to participate in whatever way they can.

Creative Team

Creative Director – Dennis Steir

UX Director – Brandon Applefield

Art Director – Lani Choi

Sr. Experience Designer – Stephen Barros

Copywriter – Aja Gable

Experience Designer – Alex Stapleton

Visual Designer – Alex Fitzroy